Our Mission

Platform for Interaction: Establish a dynamic platform for interaction among sleep physicians of Indian origin in the United States and their counterparts in India, fostering a robust exchange of knowledge and expertise.

Awareness Enhancement: Significantly enhance awareness among the general population in India regarding the importance of good sleep and its impact on overall health and well-being.

Professional Recognition: Actively publicize and celebrate the professional achievements of sleep physicians in both countries, acknowledging excellence and advancements at all levels within the field.

Funding for Advancement: Vigorously pursue the development of funds from diverse sources to promote and support research, education, and training initiatives in the field of sleep medicine, thus contributing to the growth and evolution of this vital healthcare sector.

Our Vision

Empowerment through Collaboration: AAPIOS envisions a future where ongoing interactions between sleep physicians in the United States and India catalyze a rich educational, clinical, and research environment. Through this collaboration, we aim to facilitate not only the exchange of clinical and intellectual ideas but also cultural and professional opportunities. This vision is rooted in the belief that such interactions will lead to groundbreaking advancements in sleep medicine, benefiting communities and professionals across both nations.

Our Strategy

Educational Initiatives: Implement and sustain ongoing educational activities, including seminars and conferences, in both the United States and India. These events will focus on the latest advancements and best practices in sleep medicine.

Visiting Fellowships Program: Develop a visiting fellowships program for sleep physicians. This initiative will facilitate the exchange of knowledge and expertise, allowing physicians from both countries to gain invaluable experience from each other.

Indo-American Special Interest Group (SIG): Initiate an Indo-American SIG at the annual sleep meeting, providing a dedicated platform for focused discussions and networking among professionals interested in Indo-American sleep medicine collaborations.

Annual Dinner Meeting: Organize a yearly dinner meeting in conjunction with the annual sleep meeting, creating an opportunity for members to engage in informal discussions and networking.

Non-Profit and Fundraising Efforts: Establish a non-profit account to support charitable activities, fundraising, and the creation of scholarships. This will be achieved with the assistance of corporate partnerships and sponsorships.

Media and Public Awareness Campaigns: Conduct media and press meetings in USA and India to enhance public awareness about the importance of good sleep, thus contributing to improved health outcomes in the community.

Regular Communication: Ensure regular communication with members through periodic emails, updating them on the organization’s activities, achievements, and opportunities for involvement.

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